The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is part of an Ecumenical Current of Grace. It was born
by the sovereign will of God in the Catholic Church in 1967 and emerged as a fruit of the second
Vatican Council. In India, CCR came into being in 1972.
Today it is estimated that there are more than 120 million people worldwide who will testify to a
life changing experience of the Holy Spirit through their contact with the CCR. However, this
grace of the Holy Spirit with a worldwide character and many expressions is not a single unified
movement. It does not have a founder or founding group but is a sovereign work of the Holy
Spirit. It is a current of grace that allows individual groups, communities, activities and
ministries to express themselves in different ways with different forms of organisation.
One of the characteristics of CCR is the wide variety of expressions, communities and ministries
that form ‘unity in diversity’. The various expressions and realities in CCR may be at different
stages of development with differing emphasis. Nevertheless, they share in the same fundamental
experience of Baptism in the Holy Spirit and espouse the same general goals.
Generally, CCR focuses on relationships and networks rather than rigid structures. Therefore,
patterns of informal relationships can be found at local, regional, national and international
levels. These relationships are often characterized by free association, dialogue and cooperation.
The nature of leadership in CCR is characterized by service rather than governance that demands
obedience and conformity.
In 1972, the first International Communications Office (ICO) was established in Ann Arbor,
USA in order to facilitate communication between the various Charismatic Realities which were
rapidly emerging in the Catholic Church worldwide. Then in 1976, the ICO was transferred from
USA to Malines-Brussels and the ICCRO (International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office)
was opened in 1978. This office was then moved to Rome in 1981. Then in 1985 at the invitation
of the Holy Father Pope Paul VI, the ICCRO was established in the Vatican.
In 1990, a network of CCR international covenant communities was recognized at Pontifical
level as a private association of the faithful, under the name of `Catholic Fraternity of Covenant
Communities and Fellowships’. Its mission was to consolidate the bonds of these communities to
the Catholic Church and to encourage evangelization.
In 1993 the Pontifical Council for the Laity granted Pontifical recognition to ICCRO, approving
its Statutes as an international organism of service. The name changed from ICCRO to ICCRS
(International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services), thus emphasizing that it was a pastoral
ministry / service to the CCR worldwide rather than merely an administrative office.
For many years ICCRS and the Catholic Fraternity worked together presenting seminars on
various topics specific to Charismatic Renewal. Together they organized the 50th anniversary of
the CCR in Rome at Pentecost 2017. In April 2016, Pope Francis appointed a team to work on
the new ‘One Single Service’ and to carry things forward until its realization with the
accompaniment of the Pontifical Council of the Laity, Family and Life.
An announcement from the Pontifical Council on 31 st October 2018 said that the Holy See has
erected a new body, CHARIS (Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Services) consisting
of 18 members for providing a new, single, international service for the needs of the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal in the Church. CHARIS has been erected by the Holy See, with Public
Juridical personality according to Canons 116-123 of the Code of Canon Law. It is governed by
these statutes and, by analogy, by Canons 312-320 of the Code of Canon Law, as well as by the
other universal norms of Church law.
Earlier ICCRS was recognized as a body for promotion of the CCR with a juridical personality
according to Canon 116 of the Code of Canon Law. However, CHARIS was erected as a public
juridical personality as it is a direct initiative of the highest ecclesiastical authority, the Holy
Father Pope Francis. Secondly, it has the specific mandate of imparting teachings in relation to
and in the service of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
CHARIS is the international service organism for all expressions of the CCR. It promotes and
strengthens communion among all charismatic realities, fostering a sense of the worldwide
family of Catholic Charismatic Renewal.