Teens United for Christ (TU4C)
Charis-India whose objective is to coordinate renewal activities all over India and also functions among
children and teenagers under the ministry titled TU4C - Teens United for Christ.
TU4C aims at reaching out to children from the age of 4 upto 16 yrs with the fire of the Holy Spirit giving
heed to the words of the Lord who said ' let the children come to me and do not stop them for it is to
such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs' - MTT 19:14.
TU4C conducts LSS for the children in schools and parishes thus enabling them to encounter the Living
Lord even in their tender age. Presently the TU4C activities are co-ordinated by the TU4C resources in
their respective regions and at the National level by an ad-hoc team designated for the same.